Thursday, June 6, 2013

An Unexpected Detour

A few pictures from last time I went...
Chiang Mai. My internship will be in this city

Remember that one time I wrote in my blog that I'd be leaving 8 days from that post? Well, if you haven't been following my Facebook feed, then you should know that I had to push my flight back 8 more days because my visa didn't come through in time. I've had an extra week to kill waiting for my flight, and it's been such a wonderful week.

I've eaten ice cream while sitting on the back porch and watching my mint plant grow. I've learned a bagillion new recipes to use in my apartment next year (yay!). I got to bike with my Mom and see Ontario Lake, which looks like the ocean, and read Calvin and Hobbes while sipping tea under a blanket. It's been absolutely beautiful and necessary. I got to spend as much time with God as I wanted, which has turned into a hefty amount, and I've been messing around on my ukulele. 

Here's me and my ukulele, a shameless selfie. I'm trying to figure out how to fit it in my carry on. 

Currently, I'm reading Andrew Murray's book Abide in Christ. If you haven't read anything by him, finish reading this post and then stop whatever else you're doing and go read something by him. He understands God in a way that I'm envious of. He's experienced the God who asks us to abide in Him and gives us the strength to do it. God calls us to come to Him and to stay with Him. I know I've needed to learn that as I'm preparing for my trip. 

I'm so excited for Thailand. I'm excited to start editing film. I love editing film. I'm excited to say the four Thai words I know (yes, I'll learn more) and eat rice and hear tokay lizards again. It's hard to believe it's actually happening, but that's okay. It'll happen soon enough. Wonderful adventures await! 

1 comment:

  1. so excited for you! Ah ukulele is super fun too :)
    praying for safety and guidance, that God will direct you exactly to the right trains and all that with getting to Thailand!
